Tuesday, September 22, 2015

YD Ideology Inventory Horoscope

The area of Youth Development that I identified with through the quiz was Positive Youth Development. I took this quiz last semester in YDEV 250 and got the same result. Positive Youth Development focuses on external and internal assets that youth have. The main idea of Positive YD is to provide positive external assets for youth that will help them develop positive internal assets. This means providing a safe space and support as a youth worker for students to learn and grow. It also highlights the importance of recognizing the individual strengths of youth to facilitate positive growth and learning.

I do identify with Positive YD and was not surprised that I was in this category. All of the Youth Development categories are important in their own ways, but I identify with positive the most because it's very strengths-based, and I believe it is important to help youth learn their strengths and potential.


  1. The way you wrote this reminds me of the article we read about Youth In Action. Mainly because the adults there work with the youth and provide them with that place where they can go and develop their ideas. Definitely a great category to identify with! I got this one too (:

  2. good old strengths-based! :D I think that it is really a good fit for you!

  3. I agree with you on the importance of "providing a safe space and support as a youth worker for students to learn and grow" and "recognizing the individual strengths of youth to facilitate positive growth and learning." Too often, youth are not able to reach their full potential due to the fact that they have no one supporting them and no safe place to do so. As youth workers, it is our responsibility to be that support and to provide that safe spot.

  4. As I read the post from this week, I have donated there is a trend. The horoscope that we identify with most is not determined solely of the approach we have when working with youth, but more so on our life philosophies. Your last sentence is about working with youth, but I'm sure this is your approach with many different aspects of your life.
